Sunday, January 31, 2010

Ok here is the deal..

Hey friends.. Pls spare a thought to future. Think like this..
Just imagine this..
You work in an office busy all day… hectic life
Just out of the blue your boss informs you he wants to give you a paid leave of 2 months with bonuses and everything. Ticket and holiday expnses also included for family for a trip to Thailand or wherever.  Not that boss is thinking of closing shop and making you redundant but just he is impressed with your work and wants to give you a gift. Now, 2 months paid leave in addition to annual leave is good right? Plus ticket and holiday expenses abroad… better than right dho? Who will not want such a treat? None i guess..
Now there is an even better offer than that you know? yeah there is.. The offer is like this..
be a good Muslim…
pray 5 times daily.. (each prayer <=5mins : so 5minX5=4000rf in your account… of this also 2.5%
Make fasting annually for only 30 days… (Think of all those who are dying of hunger in cities across the world…) So this fasting is like being in solidarity with the wold’s poor.. Only that we get so much ajr for this…
Go to hajj once in a life time… (but that’s also if you can afford it. Not compulsory)..
For doing simple things like these, god gives a long long long loooooooooooooooong holiday in a “garden” called paradise… the holiday never ends and you live in bliss forever… with loved ones and never having to bear any loss or experience any grievance..
Is this not a better deal?

1 comment:

Zuna N. said...
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